Day 20 of 20 Video Work Complete

Day 20 was actually last Wednesday. The good news is that I did finish all of the video work on Wednesday and rendered out what is the final video that will be on the DVD. So what happens next? Well there are only a few things left to do. Finish the Audio, License all material used, create and edit special feature material, author the DVD menu, print a master DVD and then get it duplicated. Along side finishing the DVD work we will be doing a lot more marketing. Which means interviews, Trailers, Websites, blogs, and more.
We do not have a final release date yet but we are tentatively shooting for July 13th. Stay tuned as I will be blogging about what goes on during the marketing and DVD authoring time. If you have any questions about these processes I'd love to answer them and give you better insight into how ClockWorkCinema works and give you that behind the scenes look at the filmmaking process. So send your questions to and I'll do my best to answer your inquiries.
